Next meeting
Monday, April 14, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
“Queen Rearing” -Jordan Bramwell, OBA Apiary Manager
Get details about how to attend the meeting in person or online
So you want to be a Beekeeper?
We get asked this a lot as the season starts! Here is our quick guide with answers. In a nutshell, education comes first!
Where can I buy bees and equipment?
Check out our Marketplace, with local sources for bees, and equipment.
News and Updates
- “Bee Communication” PresentationPaul Longwell, Cornell University & Washington State Master Beekeeper and OBA Member spoke about bee communication. This was a fascinating presentation and the recordings of queens are actually from one of his hives!
- Association meeting minutes 3/10/25## people in attendance – ## in person, 3 online General updates from the President – Nathan Vice President – Bryan Outreach Coordinator – Mohan Treasurer – David Education – Gail Librarian – (more…)
- Nosema, Yellow Jackets and CocktailsFor our February general meeting we had Brian Fackler. He provided an entertaining and informative presentation on Nosema, and Yellowjacket control. As a bonus he has shared a honey based cocktail recipe presentation (more…)
- Association meeting minutes – 2/10/25Attendees 37 in person, 3 online President Treasurer Membership Coordinator Vice President Education Librarian Outreach A couple members are working on a list of plants to grow more flowers for our bees