Attendees: 26 in person, 5 online

Board reports:

  • Nathan – President
    • Education
      • 15 people in apprenticeship class in it’s 4th week, taught by Bryan, Gail, and Nathan
      • Paul and Jeff talking about doing a journeyman class
      • Debra will be offering Zoom online starting in January – WSBA journeyman, have to buy your own book, no fee
    • Next month is Jeff Ott talking about apiary winterization
    • December is pot luck at Swantown with white elephant gift exchange
    • Raffle today – good stuff on that table! Tickets are $1.
    • Also some old bee journals available – take as many as you want!
  • David – Treasurer
    • Current balances as of 10/15:
      • Checking $3938.05
      • Savings $586.66
      • Grant $426.30
      • CD $2023.83
      • There is one outstanding check, to Nathan for rent through next June, in the amount of $1125.00
    • Have spent most of the money from the grant for the first quarter
      • 2 new cordless vaporizers, comes with acid and battery, Nathan will show you how to use it when you pick it up
      • Apiary set up – 10 viable hives donated, Jordan has taken on the position of apiary manager, plan to do classes there and produce bees to sell to members
      • A few outreach events
      • Doing some art/media creation for when we go out to schools
      • Nathan met with the Oly SD Director of Science to get into all the schools up to about grade 2
  • Bryan – Mentorship Committee
    • Hoping mentees from last year will step up and help out a new first year beekeeper
    • Will be reaching out soon to get a list of new mentors
    • Mentorship Committee Chair position will likely be opening up if Bryan is elected as Vice President
    • Reminder: you have to do the apprenticeship class to get a mentor, can ask questions of the Google group OBA Discussions
  • Camy – Secretary
    • Elections are next month!
      • Outreach position is available
    • Potential to create additional committees for more focused efforts, like the apiary.
  • Lynn – has a few books picked out that folks might want to check out; Diagnosis of Honey Bee Diseases, The PNW Native Plant Finder, Attracting Native Pollinators, Pollinator Conservation Handbook, NW Gardeners Handbook, Natural Beekeeping
    • List of books in the library
    • Email Nathan or Lynn if you want to check out a book and they will get it out for you
    • Easiest time to pick it up is 8-noon Saturday and Sunday

Speaker tonight: Penny Longwell, “The Birds and The Bees”