38 in attendance: ALL are in person at the club apiary at the Freedom Farm, 3 are new members

Intro to the Freedom Farm from Blue, the Founder

  • The Freedom Farm is part of the Olympia School District. Students take all of their high school classes at the farm.
  • It has been in operation for about 13 years as a farm-based alternative program that works to provide food for the community. They grow 14,000-15,000 pounds of produce a year on an all-organic farm. Their #1 client is the school district itself; they provide food for all 18 schools in the district. They also provide food for the food bank and domestic violence shelter. Students work in the central kitchen, essentially as the sous chefs for their customers.
  • The farm is adapting processes to less water, more pests, and warmer climate. They need pollinators! Welcome the OBA apiary onto the property. Want to create an environment that takes care of bees.

Discussion about what the club wants out of the apiary

  • Space for at least 20 hives – we are getting a donation of 14 hives on Thursday and locating them at Jordan’s apiary for now because we are not quite ready here (blackberry problem) – THANK YOU, JORDAN!
  • Hands on classes (e.g., splits, queen rearing, inspections)
  • Develop nucs of local bees to sell to members
  • Potential for a honey house!

Other club updates

  • New club equipment: cordless vaporizer is available for rent to members for a small fee, and an almost new extractor
  • Check out the new Marketplace on the website
  • New OBA Discussions Google group now discussing! Join us!
  • Report from Membership: We have 119 current members and continuing to grow!
  • Update from the Treasurer: opened a separate account for the Inspire Olympia funds, put some savings into a CD, got a credit card that gets cash back rewards, Bank balances as of 08/31:
    • Checking – $3,005
    • Grant – $4,415
    • Savings – $589
    • CD – $2,012
  • Education chair handed out a few apprentice certificates to recent graduates

Mentorship Chair led a live hive inspection of the 2 hives currently located in the apiary.