12 people in attendance; 9 in person, 3 online

Welcome new members!

Officer reports:

  • Treasurer – checking $4,582, savings $4,312 – We really need a President! November is election month. Send anyone on the board a nomination and we’ll file it and look forward to it.
  • Acting President – If anyone wants to step up and lead the meetings, I may be spread even more thin next year, lots in the wings we’ve talked about doing, need some help
    • Inspire Olympia
    • Freedom Farmers
  • Education – Handing out 17 certificates for people who took one of the last two classes
  • Mentorship – always looking for mentors
  • Secretary – opportunity to teach kids in 5th grade at East Olympia Elementary about bees and their role in the ecosystem and planting a pollinator garden.
    • Christina and Dale may be able to volunteer to help now or in the future
    • Idea that the club could put together a to-go educational box, maybe also a lending library box

Presentation from Kay Crawford, Bee Inspired Garden, on gardening for pollinators