Attendees: Nathan, David, Lynn, Kristina, Camy, Bryan


  • Grant is put in for Inspire Olympia – could lead to another grant for processing honey if we wanted to (like a mobile processing plant, not just loaning out an extractor), other grants available via WASBA
  • Installed bees out at Freedom Farmers – 2 nucs donated from High Five and Nathan’s hives – Beginning of a club apiary
  • 35 people are taking the apprenticeship class right now
  • Nathan will be out of the country May and June
  • Shared a new swarm and OBA benefits card
  • Plans to buy an OBA table runner to lay over a white tablecloth
  • Website needs a pollinator page and/or easier ways to find resources in the blog
  • Member reached out to Nathan to complement the Beelines lately
  • Potential to get plug in on website to allow log in with social
  • Shared balance sheet
  • Discussion about paying speakers (OBA members or not) and offering them a place to stay at the Inn
  • Discussion about budgets for Library books, advertising, meeting speakers, and equipment
  • Recommends a student membership level that is free if you are a student (paid by the grant)
  • Recommends a supporter membership with same benefits (but not a beekeeper)