Attendees: Nathan, David, and Camy in person; Catie and Gail on Zoom

Finances are in good shape

  • Spent some on brochures, canopy, and fold-up table; would like to purchase a table cover when they go on sale.
  • Equipment – sold off the majority of the hives, got a new uncapping tray
  • Education – increased the cost of the apprenticeship class to $50 a piece
  • Library – no new expenses


  • Currently 129 members
  • New membership really slows down in June/July – opportunity to market or engage more
    • IDEA: Purchase a new electric extractor for the members’ equipment library
  • Membership spotlight program started in April, scheduled through Dec, completed and staged through October
  • Catie wants to draft a welcome letter to send to new members
    • TO DO: Nathan will find out if there is a way to send an automated email to her when new members sign up
  • Catie wants to update the membership benefits area of the website, list “perks” like:
    • Education and social activities
    • Outreach and fundraising opportunities
    • Invitations to hive-side and field events
    • Convenience features like joining or renewing online, hybrid meetings
    • Opportunities to serve the association and the bees (support the mission, board positions)

Association meetings

  • Ways to improve
    • Get high quality speakers
    • Consider meeting every other month so that the board can really prepare for them and make them useful
    • Consider adding a HIVE MIND part of the meeting where members can ask questions of other members
    • Ways to improve the business meeting portion?
  • Nathan has attended the Armory meetings – will be able to accommodate our group if we get larger within the next year or so. We would have to budget for it if we move our meetings there.


  • Last apprenticeship class complete, went really well
  • TO-DO: Nathan got a WASBA 1-day class curriculum and other materials that he will add to the Google drive
  • Journeyman class – want to figure out some of the logistics of it by the end of year with the goal of the class happening next year (we provide the space and instructor)
  • Apprenticeship class happens twice per year (Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer)


  • IDEA: Hive Mind standing agenda item at association meetings
  • Consider mentorship network based on where you live – assign mentors to regions
  • IDEA: Get the Imagine Olympia grant and use some of it to pay mentors for their time, or offer them free membership in the club
  • Club Apiary would make for a good education and mentorship opportunities
  • IDEA: Ask a subject matter expert to talk about how to be a mentor at a team meeting, or offer as onboarding to be a mentor – people would have more confidence how to mentor and that their beekeeping knowledge is enough.


  • Nathan thinks getting functionality to check out a book online is not going to happen
  • Are there ways to get more use of the library?


  • IDEA: Get rid of hand crank extractors and stock electric extractors and capping trays


  • We have volunteers for staffing the steamboat island farmer’s market if they can sell their honey – Aug 19th is the last one of the season
    • TO-DO: David will reach out to see if we can have a table there again
  • David will continue to do the Beeline newsletter and is open to content
  • Consider improvements to the Beeline – short and sweet email that drives traffic to the website
    • Next meeting date/time with Zoom and speaker
    • What’s the season for bees?
    • Member Spotlight