The OBA is going to make a bulk jar order. This is for jars for packaging the honey we will sell at the Thurston County Fair and other outreach events. We are giving members the ability to add to this order, thus helping us get lower bulk pricing. This year we are ordering in bulk (more…)
At the March 13th meeting of the Olympia Beekeepers Association, the club will host some locally-based honey bee vendors for you to visit. Each vendor will have a table where you can meet with them. You can learn what they have to offer in 2023, including: nucs and packages, delivery schedules and locations, prices, and (more…)
The Association has some used equipment for sale. It is all in great condition. Contact Nathan Allan for details.
Thanks to Roy Manicke for the updates for our Resource page.
Greetings, I hope everyone is enjoying this sunshine and busy preparing hives for our upcoming delivery of package bees. The bees arrive late in the night of the 19th or early in the morning of the 20th. Package bee pick up begins on the morning of April 20th from 8:00am — 1:00pm. If you ordered (more…)