This question is asked of our leadership and membership all of the time. This page will evolve to provide a path towards becoming a successful beekeeper. If you ask a ten beekeepers what the best methods, path, techniques, equipment and the like, you will twelve different answers.

The Basics for Beginners

  1. Education : This can best be obtained by signing up for an Apprenticeship Class, but also by reading. the association holds classes and has an extensive learning library for members.
  2. Equipment : There are many types of hives, and even more opinions on each. This is why you need to educate yourself before you purchase anything. The association also has equipment that can be loaned.
  3. Mentorship : The association is basically a group of beekeepers. The membership varies from beginners to master beekeepers, with about everything you can get in-between. Some of our members offer their expertise to other members. You must have completed an Apprenticeship Course in order to obtain a mentor.
  4. Marketplace : Where you get your equipment, bees and the like. We maintain a list of local resources.

The fun part

Join the association. Our mission is a simple one, “Education, Training, and Support for Beekeepers“.

We are also a diverse and welcoming group of people. There are definitely social aspects to the association. Meetings are both educational and social.

It will be the best $25 you spend. Join now!