OBA Mentorship Representative
OBA Member – 3 years
Fun fact – Washington is home to at least 600 species of native bees!
Q: How long have you been a Beekeeper?
A: 5 years
Q: Describe why you became a Beekeeper and your overall beekeeping strategy.
A: I wanted a hobby and beekeeping was something to do. I like experimenting and having fun.
Q: What do you love most about bees & beekeeping?
A: I like watching them grow and being able to experiment and try to improve their growth.
Q: What kind of hives do you use and how many do you keep?
A: Standard Langstroth. I’ve had six or seven and try to keep about five. Currently, I have four.
Q: What is your biggest beekeeping challenge you have overcome and how did you overcome it?
A: Mites, and I’m still not sure I have overcome it. The first year, mites really got me. The second year my mite treatment went poorly, and I learned some lessons. The third year was a success. I found that talking to other Beekeepers and watching a variety of YouTube videos helped me.
Q: What are your biggest beekeeping accomplishments or successes?
A: Making splits and having bees raise their own queen.
Q: Describe your role with OBA and how members can connect with you to learn more.
A: My role as the OBA Mentorship Representative is to connect members with beekeepers who want to share their knowledge and experience with others.
When I first joined as a member, I didn’t reach out enough and when I tried to, mentors weren’t available. I took on this role to help coordinate mentorship so new members can connect with others and feel more included.
Currently, OBA has five members who have offered to be mentors and we definitely need more people willing to mentor. I’m mentoring four members myself right now. Anyone can be a mentor and if you are interested in connecting with a new member to help them along in Beekeeping please reach out and let me know you are interested.
Current OBA members can request a mentor by visiting the OBA website at Mentoring – Olympia Beekeepers Association and completing the “Mentee Registration Form”.
Q: How have you benefited from being a member of OBA?
A: Connecting with others has been the biggest benefit. I learn more by hearing what and how others are doing things. Also, having access to the library has helped.
Q: What do you like most about being a member of OBA?
A: I like connecting and networking with others at the meetings.
Q: What tips or advice do you have for new beekeepers?
A: Seek out information and a mentor. Read, study, and reach out for help.