Board Meeting – Agenda

When? Board Meeting – Planning for 2023 Saturday, January 21st, 2023, 11am to 1pm Where? Swantown Inn, The Grand Victorian Ballroom 1431 11th Ave SE, Olympia WA (Get Directions) Parking? Swantown Inn has limited car park space, but plenty of parking around the corner on Central. Only park up the drive if you have mobility (more…)

Winter Apprentice Level Class

NOTE: New Apprenticeship Class starts February 8th going through to April 5th. If you are somewhat new to beekeeping, want to start beekeeping, or want to refresh your knowledge and skills about beekeeping, the Apprentice Level course is for you! This course will be held online from February 8th through April 5th, Wednesday evenings at (more…)

2022 Annual Meeting Report

On November 21 2022, we held our Annual Meeting at The Swantown Inn’s Grand Victorian Ballroom. There were 20 people physically present and 4 people via Google Meet. Membership Report As of today, we stand at 126 members (paid annually) and 5 lifetime members. The membership year is January through December. Anyone who signs up (more…)