We are holding elections at the November meeting. We have recently talked with a few of the current board members and nominees and they have decided they would like to decline the nomination. If you are interested please reach out to the President, the association is only as good as it’s volunteers!. You may nominate (more…)
Murder Hornets! Did we get your attention? Where? Thurston County Fairgrounds 3054 Carpenter Rd SE Lacey, WA 98503 When? Monday September 12th 2022 Heritage Hall – It’s the main building to the right, as you enter the main gate. Guest speaker: Cassie Cichorz from Washington Department of Agriculture, Plant Protection-Pest Program for an update on (more…)
Where? Swantown Inn & Spa, Ballroom, 1431 11th Ave SE Olympia When? August 15th at 6pm All current board members, appointees and chairs, along with any members who are interested in serving on the board are invited to this meeting. This agenda document is a live document! Let vicepresident@olympiabeekeepers.org know if you want something added (more…)
The OBA started its own private, members only Facebook Group during the pandemic. It is called “OBA Members”. The only way you get to be a member is to be paid up for the year. It is not the same as the “Olympia Beekeepers Discussion” Group. This is run administrated by a local beekeeper, and (more…)
NOTE: The Fall Apprenticeship Class is now full. Class starts September 21st. You should have received an email from education@olympiabeekeepers.org If you are somewhat new to beekeeping, want to start beekeeping, or want to refresh your knowledge and skills about beekeeping, the Apprentice Level course is for you! This course will be held on Zoom (more…)