Please make note that our November meeting will not be on the second Monday of the month because the school will be closed for Veterans Day November 11, 2019. It will be on the following Tuesday, November 12, 2019.
Our guest speaker will be Danny Naraha.
The OBA Observation Hives (OH) can hold two Langstroth frames in a secured glass case. Primarily used at club events as a conversation starter and educational tool, it is also available to club members looking to connect others to bee culture. The summer fairs are a high impact for OBA outreach. During the fair days (more…)
In spring of 2016, two honey bee hives were installed on the grounds of the Governor’s mansion in Olympia. Both hives began collecting pollen and nectar from local blossoms, carrying it back to their new “homes.” As the Olympia Beekeepers Association project team continued to check on their progress, one of the hives demonstrated signs (more…)
Survivorship Survey – by Dewey M. Caron Last year, 271 OR/WA backyarder beekeepers returned April surveys on overwintering colony losses/survivorship, and management such as colony feeding, sanitation and Varroa control efforts. The results for WA beekeepers are posted on the website: There were 52 WA respondents included in the WA report Colony loss levels (more…)