Attendees: Nathan, Kristina, Gail, David, Bryan, Lynn, Camy
38 in attendance: ALL are in person at the club apiary at the Freedom Farm, 3 are new members Intro to the Freedom Farm from Blue, the Founder Discussion about what the club wants out of the apiary Other club updates Mentorship Chair led a live hive inspection of the 2 hives currently located in (more…)
We are launching a Discussion Group for member and non-members to be able to ask questions and discuss beekeeping. The platform we are using is Google Groups. We believe it is fairly simply to use, and works something like a List Serve. If you do not know what that is, it is simply a way (more…)

The 2024 Thurston County Fair wrapped up Sunday and with it the theme of “bees”. Thanks to part of the grant from Inspire Olympia we were able to rejuvenate and refresh the Bee Booth. Included in the upgrades; The feedback we received from both fairgoers and members was great! It was noticed that we had (more…)
Where? The Thurston County Fairgrounds. When? 29th July, Noon until 6pm What? One pound queen line jars. Either glass or plastic allowed. (If you need these Nathan has some available for purchase). Here are some basic honey showing tips. These come straight from the Honey Judge!