Next meeting – Summer Picnic!

It’s already time for our annual summer potluck picnic: Monday, July 8, 6:00pm to 8:00pm This year, we’ll meet at the Freedom Farm, the location of our growing club apiary! Freedom Farm (off Yelm Highway)4800 Siskiyou Street SEOlympia, WA 98501 Parking: Please Park along Siskiyou Street. There is a small dirt and gravel lot for those (more…)

Master Gardeners’ Plant Suggestions

Want to grow plants to help our local bees? One of our members happens to also be a Master Gardener! The local chapter is the Master Garener Foundation of Thurston County. She shared this list of links with us. The links below provide lots of information on what to plant for pollinators in our area. (more…)

Association meeting minutes – 4/8/24

36 in attendance: 34 in person, 2 online Club Updates Other bee-related updates Speaker – Dewey Caron – talked about winter losses and diagnosing a dead hive. Lack of mite control is the most common cause of winter loss. The Honey Bee Coalition has fabulous information about varroa mite control. Varroa Management – Honey Bee (more…)