18 people in attendance; 16 in person, 2 online Welcome new members!
12 people in attendance; 9 in person, 3 online Welcome new members! Officer reports: Presentation from Kay Crawford, Bee Inspired Garden, on gardening for pollinators
OBA Secretary OBA Member – 4 years A fun fact or quote: Our beekeeping motto is “Make more bees!” Q: How long have you been a Beekeeper? A: We took a beekeeping apprenticeship course through OBA and became a member after that. We’ve been members for about four years. Q: Describe why you became a (more…)
23 people in attendance; 19 in person, 4 online Welcome new members! Updates from the Board Speaker: Ernie Schmidt – Master Beekeeper Ernie believes the most important thing about being a beekeeper is keeping bees alive. Even though he is a Washington State Certified Beekeeper and well versed in conventional beekeeping, but he is not (more…)
Attendees: Nathan, David, and Camy in person; Catie and Gail on Zoom Finances are in good shape Membership Association meetings Education Mentorship Library Equipment Outreach