Nathan Alan OBA President OBA Member – 10 years Q: How long have you been a Beekeeper? A: I’ve been a member for about 10 years. I became a member right after I took a Beekeeping Apprenticeship Course. I remember I got bees the very first year I was a member. Q: Describe why you (more…)
33 people in attendance; 30 in person, 3 online Officer reports Upcoming events Presentation from Dewey Caron on Reducing Losses: PNW Survey on Overwinter.
OBA Treasurer. Other positions previously held include: Acting President, Vice President & Speakers Coordinator OBA Member – 18 years (Since 2005!) Fun fact – Bees have the ability to distinguish numbers. Check out this Science News article “Honeybees order numbers from left to right…” from October, 2022. The article informs readers about a study related (more…)
29 people in attendance; 24 in person, 5 online Officer reports Presentation from Dave Muehleisen on Varroa Mites.