All are invited to enter exhibits for the Washington State Fair Honey Show & Competition in Puyallup, WA. Attached you will find the Honey Show Premium List showing you all the details and rules of the show. Also attached is a flyer you can print and share with all beekeepers. Our honey show is statewide. (more…)
This month’s presenter is Hillary Burgess from the University of Washington. Hillary did her master’s thesis on landscaping for pollinators, and here’s a link for a bit more information about her work: hkb10uw-edu/ We’re excited to welcome her to the OBA for our June 2016 program.
Two hives were placed on the front lawn of the Governor’s Executive Residence at the Washington State Capitol and honey bees installed on April 20, 2016. The project, a collaboration between the Olympia Beekeepers Association and the Washington Department of Enterprise Services will help raise public awareness about the decline of bee populations, our dependence (more…)
Installation of stand and hive boxes was completed today by the OBA’s Capitol Bee Team. The new buzzing residents at the Governor’s Mansion will officially arrive on April 20th. The OBA is thrilled to be collaborating with Governor and Mrs. Inslee and the Department of Enterprise Services at the Capitol on this project.
Greetings, I hope everyone is enjoying this sunshine and busy preparing hives for our upcoming delivery of package bees. The bees arrive late in the night of the 19th or early in the morning of the 20th. Package bee pick up begins on the morning of April 20th from 8:00am — 1:00pm. If you ordered (more…)